Saturday, September 1, 2012


Recently, I found out that there were services/companies/websites (whatever you want to call them) out there that are hard to believe. For example:

Beeminder - a goal setting website which will charge you money if you don't meet your goals/fall behind.

Snuznluz - a alarm clock that will donate money to the charity you hate if you snooze

I'll add to the list as I find more...

Meanwhile, some other great ideas (in my opinion):
-an alarm clock that is connected to your bed, which will tilt to throw you off (or gently roll you onto the ground) if you don't wake up on time.
-gym treadmills/other exercise machines hooked up to video games or an exercise bike hooked to a fan that works only when you do..
-a whole gym setup to power a small city or a building, or a gym that powers itself with human exercise
-a kitchen sink that starts screaming when there are too many dirty dishes in it

More to come...

Oh - I think I'm supposed to be working..

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