Friday, December 18, 2009

Rickety Science

My date to the JPL holiday dance bailed on me because he had to fly to Houston for work.

I'd asked him to tell Houston he had a problem.

But I guess the world really only cares about Apollo-13 sized calamities.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eye for an I

What do you do when post scripts such as 'Sent from my iPhone' and 'Sent from my BlackBerry' at the end of perfectly inane emails, which could have done without those extra additions, which unfortunately make the innocent owners take on the appearance of smug endorsers, waving around their expensive phones in your face with smug sing-song 'nyah nyahs' start getting on your nerves?

You reply, innocently enough, and at the very end, tack on a 'Sent from my ePhone' or 'Sent from my PurpleBerry'.